Whether it’s newspapers, television, radio, social media, or online publications, media is an essential part of a successful marketing strategy. To get the most out of it, you’ll need to come up with a plan that focuses on media placement. Your plan should consider your budget, specific goals, and desired target audience.
By following a strategy, you’ll manage to successfully reach that target audience. Read on to find out the benefits of strategic media placement.

1. Improves Brand Awareness

Essentially, strategic media placement is a great way of getting your name out there and ensures your advertising will find your desired customer base in the right place at the right time. The media outlets you should use depend on the specifics of your brand and targeted audience. For instance, you can strategize about if it’s better to have a mix of types of media or if you want to just focus on digital media.

Good strategic media placement can help you get reputable links, mentions, and referrals from established authoritative sites. The media strategy you use helps establish your brand as trustworthy and reliable. It makes your products or services appear credible. For instance, if an established and influential personality or website endorses your product, consumers will see your brand as measuring up to a certain standard.

2. Drives High Traffic to Your Company’s Website

When you use media placement strategically, you’re bound to see an increase in traffic to your company’s website. This also means you’ll gain much more exposure, which is incredibly valuable in marketing. Improving exposure leads to your business being more established.

Strategic media placement also includes using resources and tools such as Google Analytics to keep track of the data regarding this increased website traffic. Some of the helpful data to look for includes new versus returning visitors, pages viewed per visit, and how much time the visitor spent exploring your website.

3. Targeting Your Audience and Ensuring Repeat Business

Strategic media placement helps you to better understand and continuously learn more about your audience. When you first put together your strategy, you’ll be doing effective research on how to best target your desired demographic.

Using this strategy also means that you can best focus your resources. You don’t want to waste your budget by advertising to demographics that aren’t interested in what you have to offer.

Strategic media placement can help consumers to trust your brand and the products or services you offer. When you establish this trusting relationship, customers will keep coming back with return business. They will also let others know of your products or services, creating even more exposure. Another benefit of strategic media placement is that you will leave a lasting impact. This also helps contribute to returning customers.

4. Strategic Media Placement Allows for Real-Time Evaluation

This strategy doesn’t end once the initial media placements have been made; it also includes monitoring your performance. Through tools like Google Analytics, you can instantly evaluate the campaign instead of waiting months to see if it’s successful.

You’ll be able to track stats relating to mentions of your brand on the internet, clicks, engagement, sessions, conversion rates, purchases, and more. You’ll also be able to keep up consistency throughout the various channels. By using analytic tools, you’ll know if this strategy is actually furthering your progress or hindering it. This real-time monitoring is especially great if you come in with specific goals and objectives.

You can more or less start this evaluation instantly once your media placement is live. Then you can continuously monitor and audit the success. By staying on top of the campaign like this, you can make any necessary adjustments quickly. Even if your campaign is consistent and relatively successful, you’ll be able to see where you can make improvements to really boost your brand awareness.

This helps solidify a positive return on investment (ROI), keeping the advertising within your desired budget. It’s certainly better than waiting months to evaluate only to start from scratch all over again. Responding in real-time to audience reactions and behavior further establishes trust, allowing you to gain repeat and even loyal customers.

5. Your Competition Is Likely Using Strategic Media Placement Already

Though the forms of media have changed, one thing is always consistent in business: companies will always want to stay ahead and not get left behind by their rivals. A major aspect of your strategy means wanting to secure your ideal media placements, but if you wait too long, your competitors could beat you to the punch. You may still be able to drive some new traffic, but it won’t be as much of a gain as you thought.

Strategic media placement can also help you to understand your competition more. As The Art of War says, “Know thy enemy.” What does your competitors’ traffic look like? What are they doing successfully? Can you pick up where they’re struggling and capitalize on what you do better?

Now that you know some of the reasons to implement this strategy, how do you make the most out of it? Make sure to work with an advertising or marketing agency that understands the ins and outs of strategic media placement, such as InnoVision Marketing Group in San Diego.

In addition to creating the most effective strategy, an established agency will have the right media connections that really put your brand ahead of the rest. One way this helps is that they’ll be able to negotiate better rates, allowing you to stay under budget. They’ll also have the best tools, experience, and expertise in those invaluable analytics. Get in touch with the best marketing team you can find and start reaping the rewards of strategic media placement as soon as possible!